1 Month of an Extension Worker's time; £100

I don't know what I'd do without friends - they're amazing, especially my friends! Extra-special mentions in that line need to be made of Liz & Janet - even though it's probably more than my life's worth to do so. Oh well. It's my blog and I assert my authoritah!
God's a community of three-in-one, so given that He made us in His image, it's not surprising that humans tend to seek out other human beans for support, help and friendship. Sometimes that support needs to come from a person trained in a specific skill, as we've all got different gifts to help each other out with. That's what Eustache, mentioned here by Send a Cow as their example Extension Worker, is - a skilled supporter and friend.
( Send a Cow catalogue, www.sendacow.org.uk )
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