Saturday, October 29, 2005

Water; £30

· A topographical study of communities to benefit from the water projects

· Design of water systems appropriate to each village

· Discussions with the communities to share information and agree work plans

· Organisation of beneficiary communities into working groups · Training and supervision during construction

· Building of water systems, bring water direct to individual households

· Awareness-raising meetings on public hygiene, domestic sanitation, the use and management of water, the operation and maintenance of the water system and the environmental protection of water sources.

· Creation of a community fund for water system maintenance and repairs, which is administered by a people's committee.

All elements that this present will contribute to.

Being Scottish, I've never really had to worry unduly about drought
- water isn't exactly rare in the celtic lands.

We moan about it...
...but we'd have a lot more reason to moan without it.

Your average John Doe or Jane Doe in America uses 600 litres of water a day, while his European friends average 250 litres a day.
That means that here in the UK (not a place that tends towards being short of water, but we probably should be a bit more resectful of it) we wash away 1050 litres every week per person.

In Africa, the averge person uses 30 litres a day.
It's hot there - dry too, if anyone's using more it should be Mr or Ms Average from Africa rather than Mr & Ms Average from America or Europe.
I don't understand what went wrong. How did our gluttony start to strangle them? Why can't we sort something out? There's so many really clever good people around - what's getting in their way?

[ CAFOD World Gifts, ]


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