Rwandan Orphan's 3-week Residential Training Course (farming); £100

"Education, education, education."
Phoney bLiar's most famous quote - hardly a grand oration that Churchhill would have been proud of, is it? Although our spinning PM didn't mean it as a reflection of education in life, it is - past, present, future - education runs through it all, whether formal or informal, conscious or subconscious - each time feeds from and affects the others.
Training is the most basic example of sustainable development - and it's a sad indictment on all of us that public aid to 'development' has plummeted by 29% over the last ten years.
Send a Cow has a some important tenets upon which its philosophy and ethic of giving rests, 'Pass it on' being one, and training being another. There's not much point in anyone giving me a car this Christmas (stick with the stuff on this blog-list, much better idea) because I can't drive. In the same way, if someone gave me a farmyard, it would take a substantial amount of trial and error before I managed to make it work and start generating income. Stands to reason that most people benefit from training - especially young people like the Rwandan orphans that this present would benefit. They've lost their parents, but they still have their own lives to keep going.
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