Friday, November 04, 2005

Kit Out 5 School Students; £20

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It's been more than 10 years since I left school. Even so, I still feel a pathetic frisson of delight when I see the Back to School logos going up all over the shops and know that I don't need to go and get a school uniform - and school shoes, which always took aaaaaaages because my feet were a 'treble-A' fitting (i.e. very very narrow. Humph).

My primary school's uniform standards were so colditz-strict that even the little teeny-tiny elastic bands in your hair had to be the right colour (navy, grey or black unless you were wearing a 'summer dress', the blue-checked ones of which we were allowed to wear after the Easter holidays and before the summer holidays only, when the hairbands were to be white).

The school I went to during my secondary years, Cademuir, wasn't nearly so strict on its uniform regulations - but it rejoiced in emerald green jumpers and navy skirts ) although we were allowed to wear kilts. I did - my Douglas (dress tartan) one. Green jumpers were still grim though!

Although uniforms were always a drag, getting the new term's stationery was always fun - even though my mum usually seemed to get me boring sensible stuff. One year, when I was going into primary 5 (i.e. aged 9ish), I persuaded her to get me a metal box of Lakeland colouring pencils. She said I'd have lost them all by half-term. I still have them. All of them. In the original colour order. Ha.

This present will give the same 'new start' thrill to 5 schoolchildren somewhere. As well as that, the jotters, pencils, rulers and schoolbag will make a big contribution to their ability to do their schoolwork and so to their learning. Bit of a result from some stationery really.

[ from Oxfam Unwrapped, ]


Anonymous Modern Kilt said...

Shop our Modern collection of Men’s Kilts for Sale and say Goodbye to your old style kilts. We have Premium Quality Fashion kilts including Denim, Stonewashed, and Leather Kilts.

9:22 am  

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