Saturday, October 29, 2005

Children's Literacy Class; £100

The Mitchell Library, Glasgow
I love reading - I always have. I always have a book on the go, and I could spend a fortune several times over at without any trouble at all.

My current favourite authors are Jodi Picoult & Kate Long - particularly Picoult. I've read, got waiting to read or have ordered all 12 (13?) of her novels to date, and have yet to be disappointed. Remarkable - HIGHLY recommend!
Reading's not just for pleasure though - it's a significant way of absorbing information - and if you're illiterate giving information that agencies require of you in forms isn't going to be easy either.

I'd be happy to start a child off or help them along with reading - I can get all enthusiastic or excited by that without any effort at all - hence this pressie on my wish list.

[ Worldvision catalogue, ]


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