Four Rabbits & Hutch-Building Materials; £50

I just couldn't resist this picture - jack-rabbits flooding a road in a little american town called Twin Falls. It does illustrate the old 'breeding like rabbits' cliche quite well.
Rabbits' breeding power is one reason why the Lesotho lady here will be pleased to have a hutch full of bunnies. If they produce 10 kittens in a litter she can collect a fiver for each one - considering a farmhand's daily wage there is apparently only about £1, that goes forth, increases & multiplies rather well.
When they're not breeding they seem to be just as helpful - providing fertiliser for her ground, which even helps during drought times.
Most british people probably don't want to go into the idea of how a cute little rabbit can provide protein on a plate... but it's not a bad thing. It's actually rather a good thing, even if (like me) you can't swallow your background enough not to feel a little bit sad for them. Can't exactly begrudge it - in the rich countries of the world (that's only 20% of the human family), we manage to eat 45% of all the meat and fish that are eaten throughout the world. I think they deserve a better share than that.
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