Immunise a Child; £20
Vaccinations must be horrible for mums. You take in your lovely peaches and cream smiling chubbly baby to see the doctor, then you bring out a prune-wrinkled scarlet screaming tomato who proceeds to be grizzly and not-quite-right for a day or two afterwards.

With this present, you'll be giving me the chance to give mothers in developing countries who couldn't afford injections, but whose babies are probably more vulnerable than those whose mums can, the opportunity to experience the scenario above as they bring their child to have his or her immunisations for the six main childhood killer diseases, Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Measles, Polio, Tetanus and Tuberculosis.
Weird how the good things we take for granted are even a bit of a trial for us, in our little patch of globe here. Better a bit of yelling and grizzling for a bit rather than a total cessation. We don't even have to contemplate the latter. If only everyone in the world was as lucky as the few of us perched on top of the human heap here in the rich nations are.
[ World Vision catalogue, ]

With this present, you'll be giving me the chance to give mothers in developing countries who couldn't afford injections, but whose babies are probably more vulnerable than those whose mums can, the opportunity to experience the scenario above as they bring their child to have his or her immunisations for the six main childhood killer diseases, Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Measles, Polio, Tetanus and Tuberculosis.
Weird how the good things we take for granted are even a bit of a trial for us, in our little patch of globe here. Better a bit of yelling and grizzling for a bit rather than a total cessation. We don't even have to contemplate the latter. If only everyone in the world was as lucky as the few of us perched on top of the human heap here in the rich nations are.
[ World Vision catalogue, ]
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