School Library Books; £7

I suppose that my love of reading makes me aware of just how much pleasure, knowlege and empowerment it's possible to gain just by running your eyes over a printed sheet of words.
There's no reason why so many people should remain subjugated by illiteracy. Of the 20% of our planet's population that can't read (yup, mostly in the developing countries), most are girls and women. Early marriage, childbearing, household duties, parents and societies seeing secondary education as better to give to sons, concerns about girls' safety and, of course, girls having to step in as caregiver if something has happened to their parents and noone else can do so. Only 64% of the women of the world are literate.
With these library books as a present, you'd be letting me help girls and boys to change the statistics, starting with themselves.
[World Vision catalogue, ]
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