Saturday, October 29, 2005

Repair a Well; £67

Well, making a well well well again for water to well from it for a community.
It's amazing that in a world with such technological, scientific expertise as ours there are still people for whom clean, safe water is an issue.

Did you know that 20% of the world's population doesn't have access to safe drinking water. To put it another way, that's over a billion people. That works itself out as one child dying from a disease this unsafe water has caused every 15 seconds. Why? How? Why are we all so useless and so powerless? How can we not be?

of a disease
caused by
bad water.

That makes my blood run cold when I stop and think about it.

Water Aid.

The cheesey cartoon wishing-well picture above may be a cheesey cartoon - but his sentiment is the one I'll have in my thoughts if you were to decide to give me this for Christmas.

[ World Vision catalogue, ]


Blogger Chickadeeva said...

Thank you for posting this. I think it is very important to draw attention to the ways we can show humanity our mercy. I would MUCH rather get a well for christmas than another pair of fuzzy socks or some fashionista cool item that'll sit in my closet.

6:46 pm  

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