Friday, November 04, 2005

Teach a Teacher; £30

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As part of my job at Langham Arts I write lesson-plans and things for Prom Praise for Schools (pp4s). I love the challenge of finding an angle as a way into a topic, then crossing over the strands to make a web of cross-curricular teaching. At the same time as juggling these two dimensons, there's the added mental gymnastics of having to find ways of grabbing children who learn by doing, by reading, by reasoning, by physical bouncings, by touching, by singing... all sorts. Great, eh?

With this present, a teacher can get the change to have new ideas and new practises introduced into their approach to teaching. Bit of fresh idea-food to let your brain do some discussing's always a good thing - and an even better one to get some life into lesson planning. Janet and the other denizens of Langham Arts are fairly used to me popping in and asking them a weird question or telling them some odd little fact to see how they react and where conversation goes from that. Lucky them...

[from Oxfam Unwrapped, ]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did a teacher.
Keep it up the profession

9:14 pm  

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